Thursday, February 24, 2005

News of the Day

Moss traded to Raiders

I am still having a hard time believing this is true. I will believe it when I see the jersey on his back. Moss is so good when he is good but so bad when he is bad. Keep him interested and he will set all-time records!

|Listening to: 40 ([radio.wazee] modern alternative rock ( - Franz Ferdinand - (0:-1)|

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New Blog

Micheal Gillespie , a colleague of mine, has started a blog of his own. I spend a couple years working at a former company of ours on a software application. After reading his first post, I am reminded why it was hard to keep up with him but also why I learned so much from the experience.

I hope he posts often!

|Listening to: Wheel - John Mayer - Heavier Things (5:32)|

Monday, February 21, 2005

News of the Day

News of the Day:

Pitchers and Catchers Report to Camp today.

Basic Application Functionality

I though I would start to throw together fundemental elements of a typical web application.

Basic Application Functionality

Any web application written internally or brought in that will run in our production environment and support by the Web Development Group should meet the below requirements. Not meeting any of these requirements can cause issues to our production environment or will severely increase time estimates for future changes made to the application.

  •  Logging: All exceptions should be logged to either a file or a DB.

  • Error Handling: All exceptions should be trapped and logged. The application should display a friendly error message for all errors. No default error pages should ever be displayed.

  • Database Connectivity: All DB connections should be wrapped in a try…catch…finally. Use the finally to close the connection and dispose of the DB object. This will ensure all open DB connections will be closed even if an exception occurs while it is open. Leaving connections open impacts all applications on that web server.

  • Globalization: All of the applications display content should be stored in a parameter or DB location. This allows the application to be translated without making code changes. Very important if you have or moving to web applications that support multi Markets and Languages.

  • Application Namespace: We have a recommended Namespace pattern that we follow for both Java and .Net applications. “com.*” for Java and “Antioch.*” for .Net.

  • Passes Code Review: Code review guidelines have been produced for all languages we support. To be considered an Enterprise application at Antioch the application must meet all the guidelines.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

NHL Cancels Season

News of the Day:

NHL officially cancels the 2004-2005 season.

Friday, February 18, 2005

News of the Day:

Teen accused in Rocori High shootings pleads mental illness
The teenager accused of killing two students at Cold Spring Rocori High School in 2003 has pleaded not guilty by reason of mental illness, his attorney said at a pretrial hearing today.

Phrase I will never understand "not guilty by reason of mental illness".

|Listening to: Gasoline (EnergyRadio.FM - Energy X) - Seether - (0:-1)|

w.Bloggar and what is playing in Winamp

Cool winamp plug-in.

|Listening to: She's So Fine - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Axis_ Bold As Love (2:40)|

...Forgot the link

Here is the link to the w.Bloggar tool.

I actually stumbled upon this tool while using RSS Bandit. I have recently started using RSS Bandit as my news reader and am liking it a lot. The sweetest feature it provides is the ability to sync you blogs with another machine. This means I can keep up with my blogs all day at work and then upload my feeds to a configured server. Then when I get home I can import this uploaded feeds file and be in sync with what I read at work and not have to shuffle through feeds I have already read.

Anyway back to the discovery of w.Bloggar. While reading a block I wanted to post a reply so I tried to do it through the RSS Bandit interface. An error popped up saying I needed a tool installed to do it an it listed the w.Bloggar website.

I think this is a huge convenience boost to finding time to actual post to my blog without having to navigate to the Blogger website.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hello From w.bloggar

My Hello World post from the w.bloggar tool.